The Ayurvedic system of medicine is based on 100% natural remedies and links all diseases and disorders to the lifestyle and eating habits. Hence, the medicines have no side effects and can generally be taken along with any other medicines. Also,  Ayurvedic treatment packages in Kerala and Ayurvedic medicines are formulated using natural and 100% organic herbs and extracts.

Another interesting aspect of the Ayurvedic medicines is that they work on the root cause of the diseases rather than the symptoms. This makes it way better and more effective as compared to the allopathic and other systems of medicine. Many people believe that Ayurveda is of little importance when it comes to surgeries and other complex medical procedures. However, they tend to forget that the very first operations, surgeries and skin grafts were performed by Sushruta – the ancient Indian Ayurvedic practitioner. He even used big ants to seal the wounds and cut layers of skin and tissues. The ants used to claw the torn or cut parts together and dissolved over time naturally inside the body. His treatise on Ayurvedic medicine is still an inspiration for the Ayurveda followers across the globe.

One major thing that makes Ayurveda this important is that the medicines are prescribed after doing a complete assessment of the human body, its disposition, lifestyle,  gender and even age. So, the medicine for cold and cough will vary in dosage and contents from person to person.

This brings us to yet another important thing to discuss, the Ayurveda system of medicine and treatment package in Kerala – nature of the foods and herbs. In Ayurveda, every food is considered to have a certain nature. For example ginger produces heat, small cardamom has a cooling effect, mangoes produce heat in the body when eaten without milk and onions and garlic also produce internal heat! These differences in the nature of food substances are the reasons why practitioners prescribe different medicines for different people based on their living conditions and surroundings.

Ayurveda – How does the practitioner proceed with the disease diagnosis and treatments?

  • Analysis of body pulse, Doshas, Sub-Doshas, organ pulse and Panchmahabhuta etc.
  • Understanding the Vikrutis, symptoms exhibited in the body and behaviour, analysis of the root cause of the disease.
  • Breathing Analysis in which the Shwas and Prana are analyzed and corrective measures are prescribed.
  • Prescription of diet and lifestyle changes for treating the diseases; cooking process for keeping the nutrition intact and timings for taking food.